The story of Diptyque began in Paris, at 34, boulevard Saint-Germain, in 1961. Three friends named Christiane Gautrot, interior designer, Desmond Knox-Leet, painter, and Yves Coueslant, administrator and theater designer, decided to to associate. They opened a shop together to exhibit their textile creations. Christiane and Desmond quickly came to be seen as the creative souls while Yves instead managed the administration of this fledgling company. Little by little, this shop was transformed into a place of its own, a sort of chic bazaar made up of many antique and unexpected objects. Then, barely two years later, Diptyque showed a desire to expand its activity. This is how a first range of scented candles was launched in 1963. The latter paid homage to nature and had the ambition to create an intimate and constantly evolving olfactory universe over the seasons. Also, this launch served as the basis for the brand's olfactory activity, which soon began to focus on perfumery.